FEBRUARY 18, 2019 - NEWS

Reduce Hassle: Don't Hide Your Inventory

FEBRUARY 18, 2019 - NEWS

Reduce Hassle: Don't Hide Your Inventory

Did you know that some property management systems make it harder for guests to shop online? How? By hiding what they have to offer. Namely their inventory.

We get it, it's disappointing to not get the room or unit you want with the dates your searched by. But it's more disappointing not seeing the room you had your eye on. Or worse, nothing at all. Your guest is left wondering if you have anything to offer.

ResNexus is different. We designed our online booking engine for the end user–your guest. That means we make it as easy as possible for your guest to get what they're looking for. Why? Because if your online booking engine reduces hassle and makes it easy to shop, you increase reservations and revenue.

For example, look at successful inventory management handled by Online retail giant–Amazon.com. The only time Amazon truly hides an item (unless of course you click the "Include out of Stock" button) is when Amazon doesn't know when the item will be back in stock. Which for Amazon is pretty rare. Instead they show the item and give an expected back in stock date. It's the best balance of showing what you have to offer countered by the disappointment of it not being immediately available.

ResNexus is similar. Your online booking engine is your store. Right from the start your guest can see what they want to see—your rooms! And with most bed and breakfasts, the rooms they offer are one of a kind. If there is no vacancy then the guest can quickly select the 3-month calendar and see when the room is available. Just like Amazon, ResNexus balances showing the product with its future availability. In addition, you can even have available inventory sort to the top if you would like.

Want to know another reason why it is important to show your inventory? More direct bookings. Online shoppers use marketing channels like Expedia and Booking.com to discover the properties available as they're shopping for their destination. But once a property is selected as a potential option, the guest searches for and examines the individual business website and inventory.

Although OTA's force guest's to input an arrival and departure date, most potential guests have flexible stay dates. Guests want to see all their options and are often willing to adjust their travel dates for a specific experience or room. If you hide your inventory you create more hassle and frustration for your potential guest which might cause them to pick a different destination.

With ResNexus, you reduce hassle and take away the date guessing game. At the end of the day, isn't that what everyone wants?
Did you know that some property management systems make it harder for guests to shop online? How? By hiding what they have to offer. Namely their inventory.

We get it, it's disappointing to not get the room or unit you want with the dates your searched by. But it's more disappointing not seeing the room you had your eye on. Or worse, nothing at all. Your guest is left wondering if you have anything to offer.

ResNexus is different. We designed our online booking engine for the end user–your guest. That means we make it as easy as possible for your guest to get what they're looking for. Why? Because if your online booking engine reduces hassle and makes it easy to shop, you increase reservations and revenue.

For example, look at successful inventory management handled by Online retail giant–Amazon.com. The only time Amazon truly hides an item (unless of course you click the "Include out of Stock" button) is when Amazon doesn't know when the item will be back in stock. Which for Amazon is pretty rare. Instead they show the item and give an expected back in stock date. It's the best balance of showing what you have to offer countered by the disappointment of it not being immediately available.

ResNexus is similar. Your online booking engine is your store. Right from the start your guest can see what they want to see—your rooms! And with most bed and breakfasts, the rooms they offer are one of a kind. If there is no vacancy then the guest can quickly select the 3-month calendar and see when the room is available. Just like Amazon, ResNexus balances showing the product with its future availability. In addition, you can even have available inventory sort to the top if you would like.

Want to know another reason why it is important to show your inventory? More direct bookings. Online shoppers use marketing channels like Expedia and Booking.com to discover the properties available as they're shopping for their destination. But once a property is selected as a potential option, the guest searches for and examines the individual business website and inventory.

Although OTA's force guest's to input an arrival and departure date, most potential guests have flexible stay dates. Guests want to see all their options and are often willing to adjust their travel dates for a specific experience or room. If you hide your inventory you create more hassle and frustration for your potential guest which might cause them to pick a different destination.

With ResNexus, you reduce hassle and take away the date guessing game. At the end of the day, isn't that what everyone wants?