AUGUST 19, 2021 - NEWS

Resnexus' Generation 6 Booking Engine Is The Most Mobile-friendly Edition To Date

ResNexus recently came out with its new booking engine: Generation 6. This update has the biggest, most noticeable changes to date for the company's online booking engine. Learn more about these changes down below.
In this article, you'll find these topics:
  • What is the ResNexus Booking Engine?
  • Why should I use it?
  • How is it different from past ResNexus Booking Engine updates?

What is it?
ResNexus' Booking Engine is an online, cloud-based software that allows your guests and customers to book directly with you. The online booking engine collects your reservations via a grid, allowing you to keep track of your revenue and potential bookings easily. You'll also find operational and marketing features that come with ResNexus' reservation management system.

The booking engine is constantly being updated, and the Generation 6 booking engine is the biggest update yet. This update completely changes the look of the booking engine to make it more modern, mobile-friendly and clean. Hospitality business owners of all industries (RV parks, vacation rentals, boutique hotels, etc.) are welcome to use this updated booking engine.  
Additionally, this new booking engine update has updated operational features for ResNexus' customers, including:
  • Guests can choose a gift certificate amount rather than having to choose from a list of gift certificates.
  • Guest check-out has been simplified.
  • You can require your guests to fill out information about their vehicle's type, color, size and license plate.
  • And more! To see the full list of what's been changed and is planning on being changed, check out this webinar here. There's an older webinar with similar information here.

However, one thing to note is that the booking engine is still under beta testing. This means some of the features shown may not be available or work properly. We thank you for your patience.
Why should I use the new ResNexus Booking Engine?
If you want to have a competitive edge over online travel agencies like TripAdvisor, Vrbo, Airbnb, etc., then you need to have a website and booking engine that looks as good as theirs.

"Websites are the basis of making purchase intentions and as such, hoteliers should include quality factors in design," University of Nevada graduate student Chen Tan wrote in his 2015 dissertation. "More customers will make accommodations on a hotel's website if they realize the website is more attractive, user-friendly, easier to access and more price competitive."

A 2018 study published by Iowa State University found, "Results from 848 online survey responses indicated customers intended to book through a hotel's online reservation system due to favorable perceptions about... the system in terms of usefulness and ease of use."
ResNexus' Gen. 6 Booking Engine can help you get more direct bookings because it's:
  • Attractive
  • Engaging
  • Secure
  • Responsive
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Informative
  • Easy to use

How is it different from past ResNexus Booking Engine updates?
The biggest difference is the way the booking engine looks. Below, you can see a previous edition of the booking engine to the Gen. 6 booking engine. Gen. 6 is the image on the right. 

This new look is designed to be easy to use and mobile friendly, hopefully getting you and your business more direct bookings.

Additionally, new features have been added compared to previous editions. If you're curious to see what features previous editions had, check out the 2020 update webinar or the 2019 update webinar
resnexus booking engine comparison
In Conclusion
If you're interested in learning more about the ResNexus Booking Engine, you can request a demo here or get in contact with our customer support team at 385-218-2637. Try the ResNexus Gen. 6 Booking Engine today!